01.15.21 | by Adam Boyd

    Prayer and fasting is a powerful kind of prayer that we find in Scripture. It isn't just prayer and it isn't just fasting. It's the combination of both at the same time. When we mix fasting with our prayers we deliberately deprive ourselves of something our flesh wants. It is a statement that we are prioritizing spiritual things above earthly things. It adds a special seriousness to our prayers.

     There are no rules in Scripture as to how often we should fast, but only that we should. We are never told which foods, in particular, we should fast or for how long.  But Jesus did give us a few guidelines about fasting in Matthew 6. Let's look at one of those guidelines now. 

     (Matthew 6:16)-“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."

     If you try to alert other people to the fact that you are fasting in order to appear spiritual in their eyes, you will ruin everything. One of the great trademarks of the spiritually mature is that they don't need anyone but God to know what they have done. 

    I have seen people get up in church during a testimony meeting and tell everybody which day of their fast they are on. I have seen people go out of their way to look miserable while they were fasting. This kind of behavior completely defeats the purpose of fasting. It drains it of all of its power and effectiveness to help transform you and I while we practice it.

    So, we all need to remember this first rule about fasting: Never fast as a show so that you can receive praise from mere men.